Downtown Connellsville

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Reaching Our Goal: To date we have received over $ 136,900 in donations and pledges towards our Revitalization Program. We have surpassed our goal of $ 125,000. Please keep those pledges coming in. We appreciate your efforts in helping us exceed this goal. We have submitted our application to the state for review.
The following businesses and organizations have made a financial
donation to the Downtown Connellsville Program: Attorney Carolyn Maricondi, City of Connellsville, Community Foundation of Fayette, Conn Area Catholic School, Connellsville Chamber of Commerce, Connellsville Elks, Donna J. Evans Realty, Gasbarro Insurance, Horewitz, Cordaro, Dietz & Miele, Janney Montgomery Scott, Kisiel & Rudnik, Risers Pub, Fink Funeral Home, Mancuso's Barber Shop, City Church of Connellsville, Connellsville Counseling and Psychological Center, Molinaro Law Office, Grasso Greenhouses, Charleroi Federal Savings, Graft Oil, Johnson Accounting, Glass Cap Federal Credit Union, Rotary Connellsville, Colebrook Chocolates, Sheetz, The Bug Trap, Armstrong, Connellsville Area Senior Tigers, Widmer Engineering, CAEA, McCarthy Public Relations, Connellsville Area Education Association, Trinity Lutheran Church, Slovak Club, Wesley Methodist Church, Davies Ford, Fayette EMS, Fiesta Insurance, New Haven Volunteer Fire Department, Daughters of the American Colonists, Highlands Hospital, Connellsville Area Garden Club, Dr. Grimaldi, Connellsville Industrial Enterprises, Demuth Florist, Federal Enterprise Community Grant, Bruner Chiropractic, Tina's Hair Nook, H&R Block, Bud Murphy's Restaurant, Lions Club, National City Bank now PNC, The Stern Center, St. John's Lutheran Church, King's Physical Therapy and Fitness, Connellsville Area Historical Society, Lidl Lyns and Beck Outlet.
Many individuals have also made financial committments to the program.
Downtown Connellsville Vision Statement: Connellsville is a community of rich natural and historic resources where all embrace: local history, the benefits of tourism centered on the Great Allegheny Passage and the Youghiogheny River, the beauty of the environment, the advantages of local services, businesses, artists and crafters; so that both the quality of life and vitality of businesses are improved through increased visitors and active members of the community.
Downtown Connellsville Mission Statement:
With the current business community, natural and historic resources and our cultural diversity as a solid foundation, the Downtown Connellsville Program will provide opportunities for existing and future businesses to expand and flourish by encouraging economic development and revitalization through the promotion of our heritage, the arts and tourism.
Website for the Pennsylvania Main Street Program
Questions & Answers
Who benefits from a Main Street Program?
by providing a greater opportunity for growth and expansion. There would be an expanded customer base and less financial risk.
Property Owners
by stable or increased rents, increased occupancy rates, improved marketability of property and increased property value.
Financial Institutions
by an expanded customer base both commercial and residential. Opportunity to improve public image and goodwill towards the community and fulfill the community reinvestment mandate.
Professional and Service Businesses
by having a ready-made customer base of local employees.
Chamber of Commerce
by the potential increase of membership. There would be a healthier overall business climate and potential partnerships on joint projects.
would have local accessibility to goods and services. More employment/career opportunities. There would be opportunities for volunteerism and leadership development. Preserving the community for future generations. A stronger tax base helps to support other community aspects including schools, parks, etc.
Local Government
would have an increased sales and property tax base, thereby protecting property values and creating an opportunity for infrastructure investment. There is also a reduced pressure for sprawl development.
Community Partners
would see an improved quality of life in the community. There is the potential for new membership among new residents.
benefit through youth involvement in civic projects. The potential to use the commercial district as a "classroom" for school projects. There would be more places to go and activities for youth.
Businesses outside of the Commercial District
benefit by the increased visitor traffic to the community, improved municipal services throughout the community. The additional amenities for employees and clients provide further benefit.
benefits because an improved quality of life makes recruiting and retaining employees easier.
Organization Committee
Chairpersons: Bryan Kisiel and Michael Edwards
Building consensus and cooperation among
the groups that play a role in downtown and
providing the necessary resources
Volunteer Development
Design Committee
Enhancing the physical appearance of the central business district Buildings Physical Improvements Planning/Zoning Parking/Transportation Visual Merchandising Graphic Elements
Economic Restructuring Committee
Chairpersons: Gerry Browell, Dave Marchewka and Laurie Hensel
Strengthening and diversifying the
economic base of the central business district
Business Retention
Business Recruitment
New Economic Uses
Trade Area Information
Financial Incentive
Promotions Committee
Chairpersons: Pat Stefano
Marketing the unique characteristics to
shoppers, investors, new businesses, tourists, youth and others
General Image
Special Events
Retail Promotions
If you would like more information or to volunteer please email us or
call us at 724 320 6392.