Citizen Request Form (Click for pdf) A copy can be obtained from the Authority office.
124 West Crawford Avenue
Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425-3043
Phone: (724) 626-1645 Fax: (724) 626-1649
June 28, 2021
Equal Housing Opportunity
The City of Connellsville will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 13th at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers, Connellsville City Hall, 110 N. Arch Street, Connellsville for the purpose of receiving comments on the Community Development and Housing needs of the City that may be addressed through the use of Pennsylvania Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.
The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the CDBG program in general, the needs of the City of Connellsville that can be met with CDBG funding, and performance under the previously funded CDBG program years and the Three-Year Community Development Plan.
The City expects to receive CDBG funding in FFY 2021 in the approximate amount of $317,538. At least 70% of the funds must be used to benefit low and moderate-income persons. The proposed activities must benefit at least 51% low-moderate income persons in a service area to qualify as an eligible project.
The following types of activities may be eligible for funding under the CDBG Program: water and sewer line replacement and improvements; housing rehabilitation; construction or improvement to community facilities and improvements such as community centers, roads, sidewalks and recreational facilities; public services; blight removal; removal of architectural barriers; code enforcement; economic development; acquisition of property in support of other activities; demolition; and general administration.
Any occupiable housing units that are demolish must be replaced by the City. The City does not intend to cause displacement. However, should displacement occur, compensation will be made available to displaced residents and businesses in accordance with the City’s Anti-Displacement and Relocation Policy, which is available for review at the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville during regular business hours.
All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and make known their views with respect to the needs to be addressed by the 2021 CDBG Program or to send written comments to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville, 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425 by July 30, 2021. Person requiring special accommodations to facilitate participation in the hearing may call 724 626 1645.
J. Michael Edwards Executive Director

2020 CDBG City of Connellsville
Citizen Request Form
124 West Crawford Avenue
Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425-3043
Phone: (724) 626-1645 Fax: (724) 626-1649
May 26, 2020
Equal Housing Opportunity
The City of Connellsville will hold two public hearing on Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. via a Zoom Conference for the purpose of receiving comments on the Community Development and Housing needs of the City that may be addressed through the use of Pennsylvania Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.
To obtain the log in information please email: or call 724 626 1645.
The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the CDBG program in general, the needs of the City of Connellsville that can be met with CDBG funding, and performance under the previously funded CDBG program years and the Three-Year Community Development Plan.
The City expects to receive CDGB funding in FFY 2020 in the approximate amount of $304,758 and CDBG CV $198,732. At least 70% of the funds must be used to benefit low and moderate-income persons. The proposed activities must benefit at least 51% low-moderate income persons in a service area to qualify as an eligible project.
The following types of activities may be eligible for funding under the CDBG Program: water and sewer line replacement and improvements; housing rehabilitation; construction or improvement to community facilities and improvements such as community centers, roads, sidewalks and recreational facilities; public services; blight removal; removal of architectural barriers; code enforcement; economic development; acquisition of property in support of other activities; demolition; and general administration. Funding via the CDBG CV must be used to prevent, prepare for and respond to the spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19.
Any occupiable housing units that are demolish must be replaced by the City. The City does not intend to cause displacement. However, should displacement occur, compensation will be made available to displaced residents and businesses in accordance with the City’s Anti-Displacement and Relocation Policy, which is available for review at the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville during regular business hours.
All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing via Zoom and make known their views with respect to the needs to be addressed by the 2020 CDBG and CDBG CV Programs or to send written comments to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville, 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425 by June 12, 2020. Person requiring special accommodations to facilitate participation in the hearing may call 724 626 1645.
J. Michael Edwards
Executive Director
124 West Crawford Avenue
Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425-3043
Phone: (724) 626-1645 Fax: (724) 626-1649
May 26, 2020
Equal Housing Opportunity
The City of Connellsville will hold two public hearing on Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. via a Zoom Conference for the purpose of receiving comments on the Community Development and Housing needs of the City that may be addressed through the use of Pennsylvania Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.
To obtain the log in information please email: or call 724 626 1645.
The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the CDBG program in general, the needs of the City of Connellsville that can be met with CDBG funding, and performance under the previously funded CDBG program years and the Three-Year Community Development Plan.
The City expects to receive CDGB funding in FFY 2020 in the approximate amount of $304,758 and CDBG CV $198,732. At least 70% of the funds must be used to benefit low and moderate-income persons. The proposed activities must benefit at least 51% low-moderate income persons in a service area to qualify as an eligible project.
The following types of activities may be eligible for funding under the CDBG Program: water and sewer line replacement and improvements; housing rehabilitation; construction or improvement to community facilities and improvements such as community centers, roads, sidewalks and recreational facilities; public services; blight removal; removal of architectural barriers; code enforcement; economic development; acquisition of property in support of other activities; demolition; and general administration. Funding via the CDBG CV must be used to prevent, prepare for and respond to the spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19.
Any occupiable housing units that are demolish must be replaced by the City. The City does not intend to cause displacement. However, should displacement occur, compensation will be made available to displaced residents and businesses in accordance with the City’s Anti-Displacement and Relocation Policy, which is available for review at the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville during regular business hours.
All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing via Zoom and make known their views with respect to the needs to be addressed by the 2020 CDBG and CDBG CV Programs or to send written comments to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville, 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425 by June 12, 2020. Person requiring special accommodations to facilitate participation in the hearing may call 724 626 1645.
J. Michael Edwards
Executive Director

Community Development Block Grant Funding
CDBG Request Form 2019.pdf (PDF — 869 KB)
124 West Crawford Avenue
Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425-3043
Phone: (724) 626-1645 Fax: (724) 626-1649
August 7, 2018
Equal Housing Opportunity
The City of Connellsville will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, Connellsville City Hall, 110 N. Arch Street, Connellsville for the purpose of receiving comments on the Community Development and Housing needs of the City that may be addressed through the use of Pennsylvania Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.
The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the CDBG program in general, the needs of the City of Connellsville that can be met with CDBG funding, and performance under the previously funded CDBG program years and the Three-Year Community Development Plan.
The City expects to receive CDGB funding in FFY 2018 in the approximate amount of $296,249. At least 70% of the funds must be used to benefit low and moderate-income persons. The proposed activities must benefit at least 51% low-moderate income persons in a service area to qualify as an eligible project.
The following types of activities may be eligible for funding under the CDBG Program: water and sewer line replacement and improvements; housing rehabilitation; construction or improvement to community facilities and improvements such as community centers, roads, sidewalks and recreational facilities; public services; blight removal; removal of architectural barriers; code enforcement; economic development; acquisition of property in support of other activities; demolition; and general administration.
Any occupiable housing units that are demolish must be replaced by the City. The City does not intend to cause displacement. However, should displacement occur, compensation will be made available to displaced residents and businesses in accordance with the City’s Anti-Displacement and Relocation Policy, which is available for review at the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville during regular business hours.
All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and make known their views with respect to the needs to be addressed by the 2018 CDBG Program or to send written comments to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville, 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425 by August 27, 2018. Person requiring special accommodations to facilitate participation in the hearing may call 724 626 1645.
J. Michael Edwards Executive Director
124 West Crawford Avenue Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425-3043
Phone: (724) 626-1645 Fax: (724) 626-1649

Posted 7/27/2018
The City of Connellsville will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, August 15th, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, Connellsville City Hall, 110 N. Arch Street, Connellsville for the purpose of receiving comments on the Community Development and Housing needs of the City that may be addressed through the use of Pennsylvania Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.
The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the CDBG program in general, the needs of the City of Connellsville that can be met with CDBG funding, and performance under the previously funded CDBG program years and the Three-Year Community Development Plan.
The City expects to receive CDGB funding in FFY 2018 in the approximate amount of $296,249. At least 70% of the funds must be used to benefit low and moderate-income persons. The proposed activities must benefit at least 51% low-moderate income persons in a service area to qualify as an eligible project.
The following types of activities may be eligible for funding under the CDBG Program: water and sewer line replacement and improvements; housing rehabilitation; construction or improvement to community facilities and improvements such as community centers, roads, sidewalks and recreational facilities; public services; blight removal; removal of architectural barriers; code enforcement; economic development; acquisition of property in support of other activities; demolition; and general administration.
Any occupiable housing units that are demolish must be replaced by the City. The City does not intend to cause displacement. However, should displacement occur, compensation will be made available to displaced residents and businesses in accordance with the City’s Anti-Displacement and Relocation Policy, which is available for review at the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville during regular business hours.
All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and make known their views with respect to the needs to be addressed by the 2018 CDBG Program or to send written comments to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville, 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425. Person requiring special accommodations to facilitate participation in the hearing may call 724 626 1645.
This form may be used to assist in writing your 2018 CDBG request, available in Word or pdf. Hard copies may be obtained at the Redevelopment Authority office located at 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425, during office hours
Community Development Block Grant Funding
124 West Crawford Avenue Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425-3043
Phone: (724) 626-1645 Fax: (724) 626-1649
Posted: 7/31/2017
Equal Housing Opportunity
2017 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) PROGRAM and
Modify the FFY 2014 and 2015 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) PROGRAM
Monday, August 14, 2017
Notice is hereby given by the Connellsville Redevelopment Authority, on behalf of the City of Connellsville, that it will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, August 14, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, City Municipal Building 110 North Arch Street, Connellsville, PA 15425. This meeting is accessible to individuals with disabilities and/or for persons with Limited English Proficiency. If you wish to attend and require special accommodations, please notify the Redevelopment Authority’s office 72 hours in advance at 724 626 1645 or at
The purpose of the Public Hearing is to discuss the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program in general, the needs of the City of Connellsville, performance under the previously funded CDBG Program years and to discuss the required Three Year Community Development Plan of the City of Connellsville.
The City of Connellsville is expected to receive an allocation of approximately $269,615 of 2017 CDBG funds from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. At least 70% of the available funding must be used for activities which benefit low and moderate income persons. The proposed activities must benefit at least 51% low-moderate income persons in the service area to qualify as a low-moderate income project. The PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) has announced the application submission deadline of November 3, 2017.
The following types of activities may be eligible for funding under the CDBG Program: water and sewer line replacement and improvements; housing rehabilitation, construction of affordable housing; construction/reconstruction of public/community facilities, recreational facilities; public services that are new or provide quantifiable increases in the delivery of services; street improvements; historic preservation; removal of architectural barriers; code enforcement; economic development; acquisition and relocation; clearance and demolition and general administration, planning, audit if required, and preparation of the CDBG application.
The primary eligibility requirement for any such activity to be funded is that the project or program principally benefits low and moderate-income. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defines low and moderate income as a household that is at or below 80% of the median income for the area. These income guidelines are adjusted annually.
If the City of Connellsville would undertake activities that result in the displacement of families or individuals, then the City of Connellsville’s policy for minimizing such displacement would be in effect. The City of Connellsville is responsible for replacing all low and moderate income housing units that may be demolished or converted as a result of the use of CDBG funds. The City of Connellsville does not intend to include any grant activities that could result in displacement.
All interested citizens are encouraged to attend and will be offered the opportunity to give oral testimony at the Public Hearing and/or to present written comments concerning the needs of the City of Connellsville, proposed CDBG Program activities, the prior use of CDBG funds, as well as the CDBG Program in general. Proposals and comments may be submitted to Connellsville Redevelopment Authority at 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425; by August 28th, 2017 at 4:00 p.m.
Citizen Request 2017_Application.doc (DOC — 93 KB)
A 2016 Competitive CDBG Application is being considered for the City of Connellsville.
Posted: 10/7/2016
2016 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Competitive PROGRAM
Wednesday, November 16, 2016 and Monday, December 5, 2016
Notice is hereby given by the Connellsville Redevelopment Authority, on behalf of the City of Connellsville, that it will hold two Public Hearings the first on Wednesday, November 16th, 2016 and the second on Monday, December 5, 2016 both at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, City Municipal Building 110 North Arch Street, Connellsville, PA 15425. This meeting is accessible to individuals with disabilities and/or for persons with Limited English Proficiency. If you wish to attend and require special accommodations, please notify the Redevelopment Authority’s office 72 hours in advance at 724 626 1645 or at
The purpose of the Public Hearing is to receive comment on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) competitive program application to be submitted for the Reconstruction of the York Avenue Bridge. The City of Connellsville is expected to request an allocation of approximately $750,000 of 2016 Competitive CDBG funds from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) has announced the application submission deadline of December 31, 2016.
The primary eligibility requirement for any such activity to be funded is that the project or program principally benefits low and moderate-income. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defines low and moderate income as a household that is at or below 80% of the median income for the area. These income guidelines are adjusted annually.
If the City of Connellsville would undertake activities that result in the displacement of families or individuals, then the City of Connellsville’s policy for minimizing such displacement would be in effect. The City of Connellsville is responsible for replacing all low and moderate income housing units that may be demolished or converted as a result of the use of CDBG funds. The City of Connellsville does not intend to include any grant activities that could result in displacement.
All interested citizens are encouraged to attend and will be offered the opportunity to give oral testimony at the Public Hearing and/or to present written comments concerning the proposed CDBG Program activities. Comments may also be submitted to Connellsville Redevelopment Authority at 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425; by December 14th, 2016 at 4:00 p.m.
The City of Connellsville has chosen two CDBG projects for the FFY 2016:
Reconstruction of the York Avenue Bridge
Code Enforcement
Citizen Request 2016_Application.doc (DOC — 92 KB)
This form may be used to assist in writing your 2016 CDBG request.
124 West Crawford Avenue Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425-3043
Phone: (724) 626-1645 Fax: (724) 626-1649
Posted: 7/12/2016
2016 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) PROGRAM
Tuesday, July 26th, 2016
Notice is hereby given by the Connellsville Redevelopment Authority, on behalf of the City of Connellsville, that it will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, July 26th, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, City Municipal Building 110 North Arch Street, Connellsville, PA 15425. This meeting is accessible to individuals with disabilities and/or for persons with Limited English Proficiency. If you wish to attend and require special accommodations, please notify the Redevelopment Authority’s office 72 hours in advance at 724 626 1645 or at
The purpose of the Public Hearing is to discuss the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program in general, the needs of the City of Connellsville, performance under the previously funded CDBG Program years and to discuss the required Three Year Community Development Plan of the City of Connellsville.
The City of Connellsville is expected to receive an allocation of approximately $274,000 of 2016 CDBG funds from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. At least 70% of the available funding must be used for activities which benefit low and moderate income persons. The proposed activities must benefit at least 51% low-moderate income persons in the service area to qualify as a low-moderate income project. The PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) has announced the application submission deadline of September 23, 2016.
The following types of activities may be eligible for funding under the CDBG Program: water and sewer line replacement and improvements; housing rehabilitation, construction of affordable housing; construction/reconstruction of public/community facilities, recreational facilities; public services that are new or provide quantifiable increases in the delivery of services; street improvements; historic preservation; removal of architectural barriers; code enforcement; economic development; acquisition and relocation; clearance and demolition and general administration, planning, audit if required, and preparation of the CDBG application.
The primary eligibility requirement for any such activity to be funded is that the project or program principally benefits low and moderate-income. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defines low and moderate income as a household that is at or below 80% of the median income for the area. These income guidelines are adjusted annually.
If the City of Connellsville would undertake activities that result in the displacement of families or individuals, then the City of Connellsville’s policy for minimizing such displacement would be in effect. The City of Connellsville is responsible for replacing all low and moderate income housing units that may be demolished or converted as a result of the use of CDBG funds. The City of Connellsville does not intend to include any grant activities that could result in displacement.
All interested citizens are encouraged to attend and will be offered the opportunity to give oral testimony at the Public Hearing and/or to present written comments concerning the needs of the City of Connellsville, proposed CDBG Program activities, the prior use of CDBG funds, as well as the CDBG Program in general. Proposals and comments may be submitted to Connellsville Redevelopment Authority at 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425; by August 8, 2016 at 4:00 p.m.
NEWS RELEASE (7/17/2015)
2015 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Hearing
Monday, August 31, 2015
The Connellsville Redevelopment Authority, on behalf of the City of Connellsville, shall hold a Public Hearing in City Council Chambers, City Municipal Building at 6:00 p.m., Monday,
August 31, 2015. The purpose of this meeting is to give individuals and groups representing the City of Connellsville the opportunity to suggest how the City should utilize its 2015 CDBG allocation.
It is anticipated that the City of Connellsville shall submit an application to the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development requesting grant funding in the approximate amount of $274,500. In addition to hearing citizen views and comments on how CDBG funds should be used, information shall be provided concerning the range of eligible CDBG activities and the amount of CDBG funds proposed to benefit low and moderate income persons. The City of Connellsville does not intend to include any grant activities that could result in displacement. Citizens may also comment on the City’s prior use of CDBG funds.
Those unable to attend this public meeting, should mail their written requests to the Mayor and City Council, c/o Connellsville Redevelopment Authority, 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425.
To assure fair consideration, all requests should be received by September 8, 2015. Proposals should clearly describe the project; provide an estimate of costs; and state why the project is important to the City.
If special accommodations are needed for any persons with disabilities who intend to attend the public hearing, please contact the Redevelopment Authority at 724-626-1645.
CDBG Request form.pdf (PDF — 862 KB)
This form may be used to assist in writing your 2015 CDBG request.
CDBG 2014
The first public hearing will be held on July 8, 2014 at 6:00 pm at City Hall (110 North Arch Street) to receive public comment on proposed uses of 2014 CDBG funding as well as to receive comment on past uses of CDBG funding. August 1, 2014 is the deadline to submit requests that will be presented to city council to make a decision on which projects to fund. Please send requests to Mayor of Connellsville, c/o Connellsville Redevelopment Authority 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425. A second public hearing will be held once city council decides on eligible and fundable projects.
Council approved projects:
Senior Citizen Center Flooring $25,000
12th Street Park $25,000
East Gibson Avenue Road Reconstruction $65,000
East Fayette Street Road Reconstruction $35,000
Code Enforcement $16,000
Residential Clearance $69,603
CDBG 2013
The first public hearing was held on June 11, 2013 to explain the CDBG program and to receive requests for projects. Requests will be accepted until June 28th. Please send requests to Mayor of Connellsville, c/o Connellsville Redevelopment Authority 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425.
A second public hearing was held on Wednesday, July 21st at 6:00 at 110 North Arch Street, Connellsville.
The proposed projects for 2013:
Francis Avenue Storm Sewer and Road Reconstruction $ 115,000
Clearance $ 50,000
New Haven Hose Company Fire Truck $ 35,000
Code Enforcement $ 31,000
East Park $ 15,000
Comment will also be received regarding the following revisions/modifications:
2009: $ 10,000 Community Center Improvements
$ 13,000 New Haven Hose Fire Truck
2010: $ 40,000 New Haven Hose Fire Truck
2011: $ 25,000 New Haven Hose Fire Truck
2012: $ 7,000 New Haven Hose Fire Truck
$ 35,000 Clearance, residential
$ 31,000 Recreation--East Park Improvements
CDBG 2012
A public meeting was held on March 13, 2012 to receive public comment on projects for the 2012 CDBG funds. A second public meeting was held on April 18, 2012 to receive public comment on the projects that were chosen. City Council has reviewed the projects and decided on the following to be funded.
New Haven Hose Fire Truck $ 80,000
Sidewalks on Pittsburgh Street $ 23,000
Code Enforcement $ 27,000
Clearance $ 73,000
Senior Citizen's Parking Lot $ 20,000
East Park $ 23,000
CDBG 2011
A public meeting was held on December 6th, 2010 to receive public comment on projects for the 2011 CDBG funds. A second public meeting will be held to receive public comment on the projects that were chosen. City Council has reviewed the projects and decided on the following to be funded.
Sidewalks on Gibson Avenue $ 51,000
New Haven Hose Fire Truck $ 75,000
City of Connellsville Fire Fighting Equipment $ 7,000
Carnegie Library Roof $ 30,000
East Park "Castle" Restoration $ 45,000
Code Enforcement $ 23,000
Clearance $ 15,000
CDBG 2010
A public meeting was held on November 30, 2009 to receive public comment on projects for the 2010 CDBG funds. City Council will review the projects and decide which ones will be funded. A second public meeting was held to receive public comment on the projects that are chosen.
2010 CDBG Funding was allocated to the following projects:
Storm Sewer, Community Center Heating System, Fire Fighting Equipment; Recreation Improvements; Sidewalk Replacement; Demolition/Clearance
2009 CDBG
The following is a list of the selected 2009 projects and the proposed allocation:
Armory Restoration $ 94,000
New Haven Hose for equipment $ 20,000
Yough River Park $ 108,000
Gibson House $ 2,000
Senior Citizen's Center $ 4,000
East Park $ 30,000
Sidewalk Project $ 20,000
2008 CDBG Funding was allocated to the following projects:
Stewart's Crossing, Community Center Auditorium, Armory Restoration, Senior Citizen's Center, Acquisition of Real Property, Austin Avenue Park, Fire Equipment for City and New Haven, Leslie House and Code Enforcement
2020 CDBG City of Connellsville
Citizen Request Form
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124 West Crawford Avenue
Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425-3043
Phone: (724) 626-1645 Fax: (724) 626-1649
May 26, 2020
Equal Housing Opportunity
The City of Connellsville will hold two public hearing on Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. via a Zoom Conference for the purpose of receiving comments on the Community Development and Housing needs of the City that may be addressed through the use of Pennsylvania Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.
To obtain the log in information please email: or call 724 626 1645.
The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the CDBG program in general, the needs of the City of Connellsville that can be met with CDBG funding, and performance under the previously funded CDBG program years and the Three-Year Community Development Plan.
The City expects to receive CDGB funding in FFY 2020 in the approximate amount of $304,758 and CDBG CV $198,732. At least 70% of the funds must be used to benefit low and moderate-income persons. The proposed activities must benefit at least 51% low-moderate income persons in a service area to qualify as an eligible project.
The following types of activities may be eligible for funding under the CDBG Program: water and sewer line replacement and improvements; housing rehabilitation; construction or improvement to community facilities and improvements such as community centers, roads, sidewalks and recreational facilities; public services; blight removal; removal of architectural barriers; code enforcement; economic development; acquisition of property in support of other activities; demolition; and general administration. Funding via the CDBG CV must be used to prevent, prepare for and respond to the spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19.
Any occupiable housing units that are demolish must be replaced by the City. The City does not intend to cause displacement. However, should displacement occur, compensation will be made available to displaced residents and businesses in accordance with the City’s Anti-Displacement and Relocation Policy, which is available for review at the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville during regular business hours.
All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing via Zoom and make known their views with respect to the needs to be addressed by the 2020 CDBG and CDBG CV Programs or to send written comments to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville, 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425 by June 12, 2020. Person requiring special accommodations to facilitate participation in the hearing may call 724 626 1645.
J. Michael Edwards
Executive Director
124 West Crawford Avenue
Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425-3043
Phone: (724) 626-1645 Fax: (724) 626-1649
May 26, 2020
Equal Housing Opportunity
The City of Connellsville will hold two public hearing on Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. via a Zoom Conference for the purpose of receiving comments on the Community Development and Housing needs of the City that may be addressed through the use of Pennsylvania Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.
To obtain the log in information please email: or call 724 626 1645.
The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the CDBG program in general, the needs of the City of Connellsville that can be met with CDBG funding, and performance under the previously funded CDBG program years and the Three-Year Community Development Plan.
The City expects to receive CDGB funding in FFY 2020 in the approximate amount of $304,758 and CDBG CV $198,732. At least 70% of the funds must be used to benefit low and moderate-income persons. The proposed activities must benefit at least 51% low-moderate income persons in a service area to qualify as an eligible project.
The following types of activities may be eligible for funding under the CDBG Program: water and sewer line replacement and improvements; housing rehabilitation; construction or improvement to community facilities and improvements such as community centers, roads, sidewalks and recreational facilities; public services; blight removal; removal of architectural barriers; code enforcement; economic development; acquisition of property in support of other activities; demolition; and general administration. Funding via the CDBG CV must be used to prevent, prepare for and respond to the spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19.
Any occupiable housing units that are demolish must be replaced by the City. The City does not intend to cause displacement. However, should displacement occur, compensation will be made available to displaced residents and businesses in accordance with the City’s Anti-Displacement and Relocation Policy, which is available for review at the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville during regular business hours.
All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing via Zoom and make known their views with respect to the needs to be addressed by the 2020 CDBG and CDBG CV Programs or to send written comments to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville, 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425 by June 12, 2020. Person requiring special accommodations to facilitate participation in the hearing may call 724 626 1645.
J. Michael Edwards
Executive Director

Community Development Block Grant Funding
CDBG Request Form 2019.pdf (PDF — 869 KB)
124 West Crawford Avenue
Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425-3043
Phone: (724) 626-1645 Fax: (724) 626-1649
August 7, 2018
Equal Housing Opportunity
The City of Connellsville will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, Connellsville City Hall, 110 N. Arch Street, Connellsville for the purpose of receiving comments on the Community Development and Housing needs of the City that may be addressed through the use of Pennsylvania Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.
The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the CDBG program in general, the needs of the City of Connellsville that can be met with CDBG funding, and performance under the previously funded CDBG program years and the Three-Year Community Development Plan.
The City expects to receive CDGB funding in FFY 2018 in the approximate amount of $296,249. At least 70% of the funds must be used to benefit low and moderate-income persons. The proposed activities must benefit at least 51% low-moderate income persons in a service area to qualify as an eligible project.
The following types of activities may be eligible for funding under the CDBG Program: water and sewer line replacement and improvements; housing rehabilitation; construction or improvement to community facilities and improvements such as community centers, roads, sidewalks and recreational facilities; public services; blight removal; removal of architectural barriers; code enforcement; economic development; acquisition of property in support of other activities; demolition; and general administration.
Any occupiable housing units that are demolish must be replaced by the City. The City does not intend to cause displacement. However, should displacement occur, compensation will be made available to displaced residents and businesses in accordance with the City’s Anti-Displacement and Relocation Policy, which is available for review at the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville during regular business hours.
All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and make known their views with respect to the needs to be addressed by the 2018 CDBG Program or to send written comments to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville, 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425 by August 27, 2018. Person requiring special accommodations to facilitate participation in the hearing may call 724 626 1645.
J. Michael Edwards Executive Director
124 West Crawford Avenue Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425-3043
Phone: (724) 626-1645 Fax: (724) 626-1649

Posted 7/27/2018
The City of Connellsville will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, August 15th, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, Connellsville City Hall, 110 N. Arch Street, Connellsville for the purpose of receiving comments on the Community Development and Housing needs of the City that may be addressed through the use of Pennsylvania Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.
The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the CDBG program in general, the needs of the City of Connellsville that can be met with CDBG funding, and performance under the previously funded CDBG program years and the Three-Year Community Development Plan.
The City expects to receive CDGB funding in FFY 2018 in the approximate amount of $296,249. At least 70% of the funds must be used to benefit low and moderate-income persons. The proposed activities must benefit at least 51% low-moderate income persons in a service area to qualify as an eligible project.
The following types of activities may be eligible for funding under the CDBG Program: water and sewer line replacement and improvements; housing rehabilitation; construction or improvement to community facilities and improvements such as community centers, roads, sidewalks and recreational facilities; public services; blight removal; removal of architectural barriers; code enforcement; economic development; acquisition of property in support of other activities; demolition; and general administration.
Any occupiable housing units that are demolish must be replaced by the City. The City does not intend to cause displacement. However, should displacement occur, compensation will be made available to displaced residents and businesses in accordance with the City’s Anti-Displacement and Relocation Policy, which is available for review at the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville during regular business hours.
All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and make known their views with respect to the needs to be addressed by the 2018 CDBG Program or to send written comments to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville, 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425. Person requiring special accommodations to facilitate participation in the hearing may call 724 626 1645.
This form may be used to assist in writing your 2018 CDBG request, available in Word or pdf. Hard copies may be obtained at the Redevelopment Authority office located at 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425, during office hours
Community Development Block Grant Funding
124 West Crawford Avenue Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425-3043
Phone: (724) 626-1645 Fax: (724) 626-1649
Posted: 7/31/2017
Equal Housing Opportunity
2017 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) PROGRAM and
Modify the FFY 2014 and 2015 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) PROGRAM
Monday, August 14, 2017
Notice is hereby given by the Connellsville Redevelopment Authority, on behalf of the City of Connellsville, that it will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, August 14, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, City Municipal Building 110 North Arch Street, Connellsville, PA 15425. This meeting is accessible to individuals with disabilities and/or for persons with Limited English Proficiency. If you wish to attend and require special accommodations, please notify the Redevelopment Authority’s office 72 hours in advance at 724 626 1645 or at
The purpose of the Public Hearing is to discuss the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program in general, the needs of the City of Connellsville, performance under the previously funded CDBG Program years and to discuss the required Three Year Community Development Plan of the City of Connellsville.
The City of Connellsville is expected to receive an allocation of approximately $269,615 of 2017 CDBG funds from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. At least 70% of the available funding must be used for activities which benefit low and moderate income persons. The proposed activities must benefit at least 51% low-moderate income persons in the service area to qualify as a low-moderate income project. The PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) has announced the application submission deadline of November 3, 2017.
The following types of activities may be eligible for funding under the CDBG Program: water and sewer line replacement and improvements; housing rehabilitation, construction of affordable housing; construction/reconstruction of public/community facilities, recreational facilities; public services that are new or provide quantifiable increases in the delivery of services; street improvements; historic preservation; removal of architectural barriers; code enforcement; economic development; acquisition and relocation; clearance and demolition and general administration, planning, audit if required, and preparation of the CDBG application.
The primary eligibility requirement for any such activity to be funded is that the project or program principally benefits low and moderate-income. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defines low and moderate income as a household that is at or below 80% of the median income for the area. These income guidelines are adjusted annually.
If the City of Connellsville would undertake activities that result in the displacement of families or individuals, then the City of Connellsville’s policy for minimizing such displacement would be in effect. The City of Connellsville is responsible for replacing all low and moderate income housing units that may be demolished or converted as a result of the use of CDBG funds. The City of Connellsville does not intend to include any grant activities that could result in displacement.
All interested citizens are encouraged to attend and will be offered the opportunity to give oral testimony at the Public Hearing and/or to present written comments concerning the needs of the City of Connellsville, proposed CDBG Program activities, the prior use of CDBG funds, as well as the CDBG Program in general. Proposals and comments may be submitted to Connellsville Redevelopment Authority at 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425; by August 28th, 2017 at 4:00 p.m.
Citizen Request 2017_Application.doc (DOC — 93 KB)
A 2016 Competitive CDBG Application is being considered for the City of Connellsville.
Posted: 10/7/2016
2016 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Competitive PROGRAM
Wednesday, November 16, 2016 and Monday, December 5, 2016
Notice is hereby given by the Connellsville Redevelopment Authority, on behalf of the City of Connellsville, that it will hold two Public Hearings the first on Wednesday, November 16th, 2016 and the second on Monday, December 5, 2016 both at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, City Municipal Building 110 North Arch Street, Connellsville, PA 15425. This meeting is accessible to individuals with disabilities and/or for persons with Limited English Proficiency. If you wish to attend and require special accommodations, please notify the Redevelopment Authority’s office 72 hours in advance at 724 626 1645 or at
The purpose of the Public Hearing is to receive comment on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) competitive program application to be submitted for the Reconstruction of the York Avenue Bridge. The City of Connellsville is expected to request an allocation of approximately $750,000 of 2016 Competitive CDBG funds from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) has announced the application submission deadline of December 31, 2016.
The primary eligibility requirement for any such activity to be funded is that the project or program principally benefits low and moderate-income. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defines low and moderate income as a household that is at or below 80% of the median income for the area. These income guidelines are adjusted annually.
If the City of Connellsville would undertake activities that result in the displacement of families or individuals, then the City of Connellsville’s policy for minimizing such displacement would be in effect. The City of Connellsville is responsible for replacing all low and moderate income housing units that may be demolished or converted as a result of the use of CDBG funds. The City of Connellsville does not intend to include any grant activities that could result in displacement.
All interested citizens are encouraged to attend and will be offered the opportunity to give oral testimony at the Public Hearing and/or to present written comments concerning the proposed CDBG Program activities. Comments may also be submitted to Connellsville Redevelopment Authority at 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425; by December 14th, 2016 at 4:00 p.m.
The City of Connellsville has chosen two CDBG projects for the FFY 2016:
Reconstruction of the York Avenue Bridge
Code Enforcement
Citizen Request 2016_Application.doc (DOC — 92 KB)
This form may be used to assist in writing your 2016 CDBG request.
124 West Crawford Avenue Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425-3043
Phone: (724) 626-1645 Fax: (724) 626-1649
Posted: 7/12/2016
2016 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) PROGRAM
Tuesday, July 26th, 2016
Notice is hereby given by the Connellsville Redevelopment Authority, on behalf of the City of Connellsville, that it will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, July 26th, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, City Municipal Building 110 North Arch Street, Connellsville, PA 15425. This meeting is accessible to individuals with disabilities and/or for persons with Limited English Proficiency. If you wish to attend and require special accommodations, please notify the Redevelopment Authority’s office 72 hours in advance at 724 626 1645 or at
The purpose of the Public Hearing is to discuss the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program in general, the needs of the City of Connellsville, performance under the previously funded CDBG Program years and to discuss the required Three Year Community Development Plan of the City of Connellsville.
The City of Connellsville is expected to receive an allocation of approximately $274,000 of 2016 CDBG funds from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. At least 70% of the available funding must be used for activities which benefit low and moderate income persons. The proposed activities must benefit at least 51% low-moderate income persons in the service area to qualify as a low-moderate income project. The PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) has announced the application submission deadline of September 23, 2016.
The following types of activities may be eligible for funding under the CDBG Program: water and sewer line replacement and improvements; housing rehabilitation, construction of affordable housing; construction/reconstruction of public/community facilities, recreational facilities; public services that are new or provide quantifiable increases in the delivery of services; street improvements; historic preservation; removal of architectural barriers; code enforcement; economic development; acquisition and relocation; clearance and demolition and general administration, planning, audit if required, and preparation of the CDBG application.
The primary eligibility requirement for any such activity to be funded is that the project or program principally benefits low and moderate-income. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defines low and moderate income as a household that is at or below 80% of the median income for the area. These income guidelines are adjusted annually.
If the City of Connellsville would undertake activities that result in the displacement of families or individuals, then the City of Connellsville’s policy for minimizing such displacement would be in effect. The City of Connellsville is responsible for replacing all low and moderate income housing units that may be demolished or converted as a result of the use of CDBG funds. The City of Connellsville does not intend to include any grant activities that could result in displacement.
All interested citizens are encouraged to attend and will be offered the opportunity to give oral testimony at the Public Hearing and/or to present written comments concerning the needs of the City of Connellsville, proposed CDBG Program activities, the prior use of CDBG funds, as well as the CDBG Program in general. Proposals and comments may be submitted to Connellsville Redevelopment Authority at 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425; by August 8, 2016 at 4:00 p.m.
NEWS RELEASE (7/17/2015)
2015 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Hearing
Monday, August 31, 2015
The Connellsville Redevelopment Authority, on behalf of the City of Connellsville, shall hold a Public Hearing in City Council Chambers, City Municipal Building at 6:00 p.m., Monday,
August 31, 2015. The purpose of this meeting is to give individuals and groups representing the City of Connellsville the opportunity to suggest how the City should utilize its 2015 CDBG allocation.
It is anticipated that the City of Connellsville shall submit an application to the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development requesting grant funding in the approximate amount of $274,500. In addition to hearing citizen views and comments on how CDBG funds should be used, information shall be provided concerning the range of eligible CDBG activities and the amount of CDBG funds proposed to benefit low and moderate income persons. The City of Connellsville does not intend to include any grant activities that could result in displacement. Citizens may also comment on the City’s prior use of CDBG funds.
Those unable to attend this public meeting, should mail their written requests to the Mayor and City Council, c/o Connellsville Redevelopment Authority, 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425.
To assure fair consideration, all requests should be received by September 8, 2015. Proposals should clearly describe the project; provide an estimate of costs; and state why the project is important to the City.
If special accommodations are needed for any persons with disabilities who intend to attend the public hearing, please contact the Redevelopment Authority at 724-626-1645.
CDBG Request form.pdf (PDF — 862 KB)
This form may be used to assist in writing your 2015 CDBG request.
CDBG 2014
The first public hearing will be held on July 8, 2014 at 6:00 pm at City Hall (110 North Arch Street) to receive public comment on proposed uses of 2014 CDBG funding as well as to receive comment on past uses of CDBG funding. August 1, 2014 is the deadline to submit requests that will be presented to city council to make a decision on which projects to fund. Please send requests to Mayor of Connellsville, c/o Connellsville Redevelopment Authority 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425. A second public hearing will be held once city council decides on eligible and fundable projects.
Council approved projects:
Senior Citizen Center Flooring $25,000
12th Street Park $25,000
East Gibson Avenue Road Reconstruction $65,000
East Fayette Street Road Reconstruction $35,000
Code Enforcement $16,000
Residential Clearance $69,603
CDBG 2013
The first public hearing was held on June 11, 2013 to explain the CDBG program and to receive requests for projects. Requests will be accepted until June 28th. Please send requests to Mayor of Connellsville, c/o Connellsville Redevelopment Authority 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425.
A second public hearing was held on Wednesday, July 21st at 6:00 at 110 North Arch Street, Connellsville.
The proposed projects for 2013:
Francis Avenue Storm Sewer and Road Reconstruction $ 115,000
Clearance $ 50,000
New Haven Hose Company Fire Truck $ 35,000
Code Enforcement $ 31,000
East Park $ 15,000
Comment will also be received regarding the following revisions/modifications:
2009: $ 10,000 Community Center Improvements
$ 13,000 New Haven Hose Fire Truck
2010: $ 40,000 New Haven Hose Fire Truck
2011: $ 25,000 New Haven Hose Fire Truck
2012: $ 7,000 New Haven Hose Fire Truck
$ 35,000 Clearance, residential
$ 31,000 Recreation--East Park Improvements
CDBG 2012
A public meeting was held on March 13, 2012 to receive public comment on projects for the 2012 CDBG funds. A second public meeting was held on April 18, 2012 to receive public comment on the projects that were chosen. City Council has reviewed the projects and decided on the following to be funded.
New Haven Hose Fire Truck $ 80,000
Sidewalks on Pittsburgh Street $ 23,000
Code Enforcement $ 27,000
Clearance $ 73,000
Senior Citizen's Parking Lot $ 20,000
East Park $ 23,000
CDBG 2011
A public meeting was held on December 6th, 2010 to receive public comment on projects for the 2011 CDBG funds. A second public meeting will be held to receive public comment on the projects that were chosen. City Council has reviewed the projects and decided on the following to be funded.
Sidewalks on Gibson Avenue $ 51,000
New Haven Hose Fire Truck $ 75,000
City of Connellsville Fire Fighting Equipment $ 7,000
Carnegie Library Roof $ 30,000
East Park "Castle" Restoration $ 45,000
Code Enforcement $ 23,000
Clearance $ 15,000
CDBG 2010
A public meeting was held on November 30, 2009 to receive public comment on projects for the 2010 CDBG funds. City Council will review the projects and decide which ones will be funded. A second public meeting was held to receive public comment on the projects that are chosen.
2010 CDBG Funding was allocated to the following projects:
Storm Sewer, Community Center Heating System, Fire Fighting Equipment; Recreation Improvements; Sidewalk Replacement; Demolition/Clearance
2009 CDBG
The following is a list of the selected 2009 projects and the proposed allocation:
Armory Restoration $ 94,000
New Haven Hose for equipment $ 20,000
Yough River Park $ 108,000
Gibson House $ 2,000
Senior Citizen's Center $ 4,000
East Park $ 30,000
Sidewalk Project $ 20,000
2008 CDBG Funding was allocated to the following projects:
Stewart's Crossing, Community Center Auditorium, Armory Restoration, Senior Citizen's Center, Acquisition of Real Property, Austin Avenue Park, Fire Equipment for City and New Haven, Leslie House and Code Enforcement
2020 CDBG City of Connellsville
Citizen Request Form
124 West Crawford Avenue
Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425-3043
Phone: (724) 626-1645 Fax: (724) 626-1649
May 26, 2020
Equal Housing Opportunity
The City of Connellsville will hold two public hearing on Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. via a Zoom Conference for the purpose of receiving comments on the Community Development and Housing needs of the City that may be addressed through the use of Pennsylvania Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.
To obtain the log in information please email: or call 724 626 1645.
The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the CDBG program in general, the needs of the City of Connellsville that can be met with CDBG funding, and performance under the previously funded CDBG program years and the Three-Year Community Development Plan.
The City expects to receive CDGB funding in FFY 2020 in the approximate amount of $304,758 and CDBG CV $198,732. At least 70% of the funds must be used to benefit low and moderate-income persons. The proposed activities must benefit at least 51% low-moderate income persons in a service area to qualify as an eligible project.
The following types of activities may be eligible for funding under the CDBG Program: water and sewer line replacement and improvements; housing rehabilitation; construction or improvement to community facilities and improvements such as community centers, roads, sidewalks and recreational facilities; public services; blight removal; removal of architectural barriers; code enforcement; economic development; acquisition of property in support of other activities; demolition; and general administration. Funding via the CDBG CV must be used to prevent, prepare for and respond to the spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19.
Any occupiable housing units that are demolish must be replaced by the City. The City does not intend to cause displacement. However, should displacement occur, compensation will be made available to displaced residents and businesses in accordance with the City’s Anti-Displacement and Relocation Policy, which is available for review at the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville during regular business hours.
All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing via Zoom and make known their views with respect to the needs to be addressed by the 2020 CDBG and CDBG CV Programs or to send written comments to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville, 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425 by June 12, 2020. Person requiring special accommodations to facilitate participation in the hearing may call 724 626 1645.
J. Michael Edwards
Executive Director
124 West Crawford Avenue
Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425-3043
Phone: (724) 626-1645 Fax: (724) 626-1649
May 26, 2020
Equal Housing Opportunity
The City of Connellsville will hold two public hearing on Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. via a Zoom Conference for the purpose of receiving comments on the Community Development and Housing needs of the City that may be addressed through the use of Pennsylvania Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.
To obtain the log in information please email: or call 724 626 1645.
The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the CDBG program in general, the needs of the City of Connellsville that can be met with CDBG funding, and performance under the previously funded CDBG program years and the Three-Year Community Development Plan.
The City expects to receive CDGB funding in FFY 2020 in the approximate amount of $304,758 and CDBG CV $198,732. At least 70% of the funds must be used to benefit low and moderate-income persons. The proposed activities must benefit at least 51% low-moderate income persons in a service area to qualify as an eligible project.
The following types of activities may be eligible for funding under the CDBG Program: water and sewer line replacement and improvements; housing rehabilitation; construction or improvement to community facilities and improvements such as community centers, roads, sidewalks and recreational facilities; public services; blight removal; removal of architectural barriers; code enforcement; economic development; acquisition of property in support of other activities; demolition; and general administration. Funding via the CDBG CV must be used to prevent, prepare for and respond to the spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19.
Any occupiable housing units that are demolish must be replaced by the City. The City does not intend to cause displacement. However, should displacement occur, compensation will be made available to displaced residents and businesses in accordance with the City’s Anti-Displacement and Relocation Policy, which is available for review at the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville during regular business hours.
All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing via Zoom and make known their views with respect to the needs to be addressed by the 2020 CDBG and CDBG CV Programs or to send written comments to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville, 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425 by June 12, 2020. Person requiring special accommodations to facilitate participation in the hearing may call 724 626 1645.
J. Michael Edwards
Executive Director

Community Development Block Grant Funding
CDBG Request Form 2019.pdf (PDF — 869 KB)
124 West Crawford Avenue
Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425-3043
Phone: (724) 626-1645 Fax: (724) 626-1649
August 7, 2018
Equal Housing Opportunity
The City of Connellsville will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, Connellsville City Hall, 110 N. Arch Street, Connellsville for the purpose of receiving comments on the Community Development and Housing needs of the City that may be addressed through the use of Pennsylvania Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.
The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the CDBG program in general, the needs of the City of Connellsville that can be met with CDBG funding, and performance under the previously funded CDBG program years and the Three-Year Community Development Plan.
The City expects to receive CDGB funding in FFY 2018 in the approximate amount of $296,249. At least 70% of the funds must be used to benefit low and moderate-income persons. The proposed activities must benefit at least 51% low-moderate income persons in a service area to qualify as an eligible project.
The following types of activities may be eligible for funding under the CDBG Program: water and sewer line replacement and improvements; housing rehabilitation; construction or improvement to community facilities and improvements such as community centers, roads, sidewalks and recreational facilities; public services; blight removal; removal of architectural barriers; code enforcement; economic development; acquisition of property in support of other activities; demolition; and general administration.
Any occupiable housing units that are demolish must be replaced by the City. The City does not intend to cause displacement. However, should displacement occur, compensation will be made available to displaced residents and businesses in accordance with the City’s Anti-Displacement and Relocation Policy, which is available for review at the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville during regular business hours.
All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and make known their views with respect to the needs to be addressed by the 2018 CDBG Program or to send written comments to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville, 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425 by August 27, 2018. Person requiring special accommodations to facilitate participation in the hearing may call 724 626 1645.
J. Michael Edwards Executive Director
124 West Crawford Avenue Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425-3043
Phone: (724) 626-1645 Fax: (724) 626-1649

Posted 7/27/2018
The City of Connellsville will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, August 15th, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, Connellsville City Hall, 110 N. Arch Street, Connellsville for the purpose of receiving comments on the Community Development and Housing needs of the City that may be addressed through the use of Pennsylvania Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.
The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the CDBG program in general, the needs of the City of Connellsville that can be met with CDBG funding, and performance under the previously funded CDBG program years and the Three-Year Community Development Plan.
The City expects to receive CDGB funding in FFY 2018 in the approximate amount of $296,249. At least 70% of the funds must be used to benefit low and moderate-income persons. The proposed activities must benefit at least 51% low-moderate income persons in a service area to qualify as an eligible project.
The following types of activities may be eligible for funding under the CDBG Program: water and sewer line replacement and improvements; housing rehabilitation; construction or improvement to community facilities and improvements such as community centers, roads, sidewalks and recreational facilities; public services; blight removal; removal of architectural barriers; code enforcement; economic development; acquisition of property in support of other activities; demolition; and general administration.
Any occupiable housing units that are demolish must be replaced by the City. The City does not intend to cause displacement. However, should displacement occur, compensation will be made available to displaced residents and businesses in accordance with the City’s Anti-Displacement and Relocation Policy, which is available for review at the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville during regular business hours.
All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and make known their views with respect to the needs to be addressed by the 2018 CDBG Program or to send written comments to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Connellsville, 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425. Person requiring special accommodations to facilitate participation in the hearing may call 724 626 1645.
This form may be used to assist in writing your 2018 CDBG request, available in Word or pdf. Hard copies may be obtained at the Redevelopment Authority office located at 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425, during office hours
Community Development Block Grant Funding
124 West Crawford Avenue Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425-3043
Phone: (724) 626-1645 Fax: (724) 626-1649
Posted: 7/31/2017
Equal Housing Opportunity
2017 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) PROGRAM and
Modify the FFY 2014 and 2015 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) PROGRAM
Monday, August 14, 2017
Notice is hereby given by the Connellsville Redevelopment Authority, on behalf of the City of Connellsville, that it will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, August 14, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, City Municipal Building 110 North Arch Street, Connellsville, PA 15425. This meeting is accessible to individuals with disabilities and/or for persons with Limited English Proficiency. If you wish to attend and require special accommodations, please notify the Redevelopment Authority’s office 72 hours in advance at 724 626 1645 or at
The purpose of the Public Hearing is to discuss the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program in general, the needs of the City of Connellsville, performance under the previously funded CDBG Program years and to discuss the required Three Year Community Development Plan of the City of Connellsville.
The City of Connellsville is expected to receive an allocation of approximately $269,615 of 2017 CDBG funds from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. At least 70% of the available funding must be used for activities which benefit low and moderate income persons. The proposed activities must benefit at least 51% low-moderate income persons in the service area to qualify as a low-moderate income project. The PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) has announced the application submission deadline of November 3, 2017.
The following types of activities may be eligible for funding under the CDBG Program: water and sewer line replacement and improvements; housing rehabilitation, construction of affordable housing; construction/reconstruction of public/community facilities, recreational facilities; public services that are new or provide quantifiable increases in the delivery of services; street improvements; historic preservation; removal of architectural barriers; code enforcement; economic development; acquisition and relocation; clearance and demolition and general administration, planning, audit if required, and preparation of the CDBG application.
The primary eligibility requirement for any such activity to be funded is that the project or program principally benefits low and moderate-income. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defines low and moderate income as a household that is at or below 80% of the median income for the area. These income guidelines are adjusted annually.
If the City of Connellsville would undertake activities that result in the displacement of families or individuals, then the City of Connellsville’s policy for minimizing such displacement would be in effect. The City of Connellsville is responsible for replacing all low and moderate income housing units that may be demolished or converted as a result of the use of CDBG funds. The City of Connellsville does not intend to include any grant activities that could result in displacement.
All interested citizens are encouraged to attend and will be offered the opportunity to give oral testimony at the Public Hearing and/or to present written comments concerning the needs of the City of Connellsville, proposed CDBG Program activities, the prior use of CDBG funds, as well as the CDBG Program in general. Proposals and comments may be submitted to Connellsville Redevelopment Authority at 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425; by August 28th, 2017 at 4:00 p.m.
Citizen Request 2017_Application.doc (DOC — 93 KB)
A 2016 Competitive CDBG Application is being considered for the City of Connellsville.
Posted: 10/7/2016
2016 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Competitive PROGRAM
Wednesday, November 16, 2016 and Monday, December 5, 2016
Notice is hereby given by the Connellsville Redevelopment Authority, on behalf of the City of Connellsville, that it will hold two Public Hearings the first on Wednesday, November 16th, 2016 and the second on Monday, December 5, 2016 both at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, City Municipal Building 110 North Arch Street, Connellsville, PA 15425. This meeting is accessible to individuals with disabilities and/or for persons with Limited English Proficiency. If you wish to attend and require special accommodations, please notify the Redevelopment Authority’s office 72 hours in advance at 724 626 1645 or at
The purpose of the Public Hearing is to receive comment on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) competitive program application to be submitted for the Reconstruction of the York Avenue Bridge. The City of Connellsville is expected to request an allocation of approximately $750,000 of 2016 Competitive CDBG funds from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) has announced the application submission deadline of December 31, 2016.
The primary eligibility requirement for any such activity to be funded is that the project or program principally benefits low and moderate-income. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defines low and moderate income as a household that is at or below 80% of the median income for the area. These income guidelines are adjusted annually.
If the City of Connellsville would undertake activities that result in the displacement of families or individuals, then the City of Connellsville’s policy for minimizing such displacement would be in effect. The City of Connellsville is responsible for replacing all low and moderate income housing units that may be demolished or converted as a result of the use of CDBG funds. The City of Connellsville does not intend to include any grant activities that could result in displacement.
All interested citizens are encouraged to attend and will be offered the opportunity to give oral testimony at the Public Hearing and/or to present written comments concerning the proposed CDBG Program activities. Comments may also be submitted to Connellsville Redevelopment Authority at 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425; by December 14th, 2016 at 4:00 p.m.
The City of Connellsville has chosen two CDBG projects for the FFY 2016:
Reconstruction of the York Avenue Bridge
Code Enforcement
Citizen Request 2016_Application.doc (DOC — 92 KB)
This form may be used to assist in writing your 2016 CDBG request.
124 West Crawford Avenue Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425-3043
Phone: (724) 626-1645 Fax: (724) 626-1649
Posted: 7/12/2016
2016 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) PROGRAM
Tuesday, July 26th, 2016
Notice is hereby given by the Connellsville Redevelopment Authority, on behalf of the City of Connellsville, that it will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, July 26th, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, City Municipal Building 110 North Arch Street, Connellsville, PA 15425. This meeting is accessible to individuals with disabilities and/or for persons with Limited English Proficiency. If you wish to attend and require special accommodations, please notify the Redevelopment Authority’s office 72 hours in advance at 724 626 1645 or at
The purpose of the Public Hearing is to discuss the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program in general, the needs of the City of Connellsville, performance under the previously funded CDBG Program years and to discuss the required Three Year Community Development Plan of the City of Connellsville.
The City of Connellsville is expected to receive an allocation of approximately $274,000 of 2016 CDBG funds from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. At least 70% of the available funding must be used for activities which benefit low and moderate income persons. The proposed activities must benefit at least 51% low-moderate income persons in the service area to qualify as a low-moderate income project. The PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) has announced the application submission deadline of September 23, 2016.
The following types of activities may be eligible for funding under the CDBG Program: water and sewer line replacement and improvements; housing rehabilitation, construction of affordable housing; construction/reconstruction of public/community facilities, recreational facilities; public services that are new or provide quantifiable increases in the delivery of services; street improvements; historic preservation; removal of architectural barriers; code enforcement; economic development; acquisition and relocation; clearance and demolition and general administration, planning, audit if required, and preparation of the CDBG application.
The primary eligibility requirement for any such activity to be funded is that the project or program principally benefits low and moderate-income. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defines low and moderate income as a household that is at or below 80% of the median income for the area. These income guidelines are adjusted annually.
If the City of Connellsville would undertake activities that result in the displacement of families or individuals, then the City of Connellsville’s policy for minimizing such displacement would be in effect. The City of Connellsville is responsible for replacing all low and moderate income housing units that may be demolished or converted as a result of the use of CDBG funds. The City of Connellsville does not intend to include any grant activities that could result in displacement.
All interested citizens are encouraged to attend and will be offered the opportunity to give oral testimony at the Public Hearing and/or to present written comments concerning the needs of the City of Connellsville, proposed CDBG Program activities, the prior use of CDBG funds, as well as the CDBG Program in general. Proposals and comments may be submitted to Connellsville Redevelopment Authority at 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425; by August 8, 2016 at 4:00 p.m.
NEWS RELEASE (7/17/2015)
2015 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Hearing
Monday, August 31, 2015
The Connellsville Redevelopment Authority, on behalf of the City of Connellsville, shall hold a Public Hearing in City Council Chambers, City Municipal Building at 6:00 p.m., Monday,
August 31, 2015. The purpose of this meeting is to give individuals and groups representing the City of Connellsville the opportunity to suggest how the City should utilize its 2015 CDBG allocation.
It is anticipated that the City of Connellsville shall submit an application to the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development requesting grant funding in the approximate amount of $274,500. In addition to hearing citizen views and comments on how CDBG funds should be used, information shall be provided concerning the range of eligible CDBG activities and the amount of CDBG funds proposed to benefit low and moderate income persons. The City of Connellsville does not intend to include any grant activities that could result in displacement. Citizens may also comment on the City’s prior use of CDBG funds.
Those unable to attend this public meeting, should mail their written requests to the Mayor and City Council, c/o Connellsville Redevelopment Authority, 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425.
To assure fair consideration, all requests should be received by September 8, 2015. Proposals should clearly describe the project; provide an estimate of costs; and state why the project is important to the City.
If special accommodations are needed for any persons with disabilities who intend to attend the public hearing, please contact the Redevelopment Authority at 724-626-1645.
CDBG Request form.pdf (PDF — 862 KB)
This form may be used to assist in writing your 2015 CDBG request.
CDBG 2014
The first public hearing will be held on July 8, 2014 at 6:00 pm at City Hall (110 North Arch Street) to receive public comment on proposed uses of 2014 CDBG funding as well as to receive comment on past uses of CDBG funding. August 1, 2014 is the deadline to submit requests that will be presented to city council to make a decision on which projects to fund. Please send requests to Mayor of Connellsville, c/o Connellsville Redevelopment Authority 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425. A second public hearing will be held once city council decides on eligible and fundable projects.
Council approved projects:
Senior Citizen Center Flooring $25,000
12th Street Park $25,000
East Gibson Avenue Road Reconstruction $65,000
East Fayette Street Road Reconstruction $35,000
Code Enforcement $16,000
Residential Clearance $69,603
CDBG 2013
The first public hearing was held on June 11, 2013 to explain the CDBG program and to receive requests for projects. Requests will be accepted until June 28th. Please send requests to Mayor of Connellsville, c/o Connellsville Redevelopment Authority 124 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, PA 15425.
A second public hearing was held on Wednesday, July 21st at 6:00 at 110 North Arch Street, Connellsville.
The proposed projects for 2013:
Francis Avenue Storm Sewer and Road Reconstruction $ 115,000
Clearance $ 50,000
New Haven Hose Company Fire Truck $ 35,000
Code Enforcement $ 31,000
East Park $ 15,000
Comment will also be received regarding the following revisions/modifications:
2009: $ 10,000 Community Center Improvements
$ 13,000 New Haven Hose Fire Truck
2010: $ 40,000 New Haven Hose Fire Truck
2011: $ 25,000 New Haven Hose Fire Truck
2012: $ 7,000 New Haven Hose Fire Truck
$ 35,000 Clearance, residential
$ 31,000 Recreation--East Park Improvements
CDBG 2012
A public meeting was held on March 13, 2012 to receive public comment on projects for the 2012 CDBG funds. A second public meeting was held on April 18, 2012 to receive public comment on the projects that were chosen. City Council has reviewed the projects and decided on the following to be funded.
New Haven Hose Fire Truck $ 80,000
Sidewalks on Pittsburgh Street $ 23,000
Code Enforcement $ 27,000
Clearance $ 73,000
Senior Citizen's Parking Lot $ 20,000
East Park $ 23,000
CDBG 2011
A public meeting was held on December 6th, 2010 to receive public comment on projects for the 2011 CDBG funds. A second public meeting will be held to receive public comment on the projects that were chosen. City Council has reviewed the projects and decided on the following to be funded.
Sidewalks on Gibson Avenue $ 51,000
New Haven Hose Fire Truck $ 75,000
City of Connellsville Fire Fighting Equipment $ 7,000
Carnegie Library Roof $ 30,000
East Park "Castle" Restoration $ 45,000
Code Enforcement $ 23,000
Clearance $ 15,000
CDBG 2010
A public meeting was held on November 30, 2009 to receive public comment on projects for the 2010 CDBG funds. City Council will review the projects and decide which ones will be funded. A second public meeting was held to receive public comment on the projects that are chosen.
2010 CDBG Funding was allocated to the following projects:
Storm Sewer, Community Center Heating System, Fire Fighting Equipment; Recreation Improvements; Sidewalk Replacement; Demolition/Clearance
2009 CDBG
The following is a list of the selected 2009 projects and the proposed allocation:
Armory Restoration $ 94,000
New Haven Hose for equipment $ 20,000
Yough River Park $ 108,000
Gibson House $ 2,000
Senior Citizen's Center $ 4,000
East Park $ 30,000
Sidewalk Project $ 20,000
2008 CDBG Funding was allocated to the following projects:
Stewart's Crossing, Community Center Auditorium, Armory Restoration, Senior Citizen's Center, Acquisition of Real Property, Austin Avenue Park, Fire Equipment for City and New Haven, Leslie House and Code Enforcement